- 1 on 1 guidance in a Mamoko Traject -

Do you want to nurture the connection with yourself, learn to live more from your natural flow or learn to deal with emotions better? Do you long for more control over your life or do you want to (re)find balance? Then a Mamoko Traject might be something for you.

What do you get?

5 sessions of 2 hours each.

A session consists of an intuitive mix of conversation with interventions from reiki, nature experience and breathwork.

You can always consult me ​​between sessions and as long as the traject is running.

What does it cost?

A traject costs 280 euros. The value of 350 euros in separate sessions.

Payment can be made in cash or online.

How does it work?

There is enough space to tell your story in every session.

Those themes that are in the foreground can be introduced.

Together we will look at what this means and how we can further relax this.

After this traject

You have given the current themes in your life sufficient attention so that they have been clarified and have evolved a lot further.

You feel more connected to yourself. You have been able to put certain things behind you. And you can continue with a renewed and refreshed consciousness.

You have increased your ability to be present and stay with what is, so that the traject has a lasting impact on your life.

Question and answer

When is a traject something for me?

You want to give yourself more space for a certain period of time to sort things out for yourself. You come across a number of themes and have the feeling that you can no longer find peace in it. You are willing to look at what is going on inside you. And you would like guidance in this from an experienced life artist.

I have a difficult relationship with emotions. Will this traject work for me?

Some people feel too much, too little or are completely out of touch with their feelings. There are numerous reasons why this is so. The ubiquitous taboo on emotions is one of them. The feeling tools are crucial for following your inner guidance. You cannot ignore this when it comes to the totality of your health. That is why you will always be guided in a process to optimize this tool.

Will I achieve sufficient results with this?

The aim is to optimize mental-emotional functioning, harmonize personal themes and restore the connection with your natural self. It is always a surprise what life wants to happen through you in a process. It's best to go into it with as open an eye as possible: 'Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get'.

Can I come back again after a traject?

Of course. The process is structured in such a way that sufficient attention is paid to the first layers of a process. This is often enough to move on in that specific theme of life. Some themes, on the other hand, can set a lot in motion, require further support or initiate a more in-depth process. There may then be a need for a follow-up session or traject. Still, it is advisable to schedule a period of rest and relaxation for yourself after this traject. It is often during a period of letting go that pieces of the puzzle automatically fall into place.

I don't know if this is the time for a traject. How do I come to the right decision for me?

Do you still have questions, doubts or uncertainties after reading the above information? Please do not hesitate to contact us by email or telephone. I would like to take some time to clarify this with you.


Silke Devriese

Vijfstraat 45, 9620 Sint-Maria-Oudenhove
